Release on
Canada Pension Plan
Jan 2015
The Canada Pension Plan and the Old Age Pension are very important to the People of Canada
We all pay into it; a lot of money.
$ 234 Billion in assets as of sep 2014
The government has on its own without our consent taken our money and created a mutual fund
Thereby entering the international markets that are little more than a
Casino of speculators and opportunists .
This venture with our C P P has become a major cost to to all Canadians.
CPP is worth about 234 billion dollars .
They have 13 C P P offices across 4 continents.
Highly paid CPP executives are regularly invited to elite gatherings such as the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
Large amounts of our CPP money is invested in the Military Industrial Complex
Is this really what the people of Canada want?
Our money should be invested in Canada
Where we can invest in your own business,s
Our money should never be at risk in unstable world markets .
Think about your combined monthly payments just to cover the essentials
Think about the real cost of living in Canada.....
Is the CPP enough to cover even a small % ?
What is your conclusion, based on your real life experience?
Until recently the pension benefit age of Canadians was 65 was raised to 67 .
Productivity through technology has risen substantially
If anything the retuirement age should be going down
That must be reversed and reinstated and not be tampered with again.
As a nation, Canadians care about our older people,
As a nation we need our older people to teach their lifelong experience
to our younger people for as long as possible
Older people should choose when they want to retire.
Mandatory retirement age must stop.
The pension benefit should NOT be reduced,
because that older person wants to continue working.
Canadian Action Party.