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The people of Canada suffer in silence, as they are selected one by one and are persecuted by a out of control, unlawful, constitutional violating government.

How does it work?

The government constantly creates new laws and has thousands of laws sitting in dirty books of tricks that every elected and not elected government official has by their side at all times. A lot of the laws are not constitutional, but that doesn't matter because government is above thelaw or so they think.


Eventually the government will find you in violation of one of their statute laws, you are now public enemy number one, and all the weight of government is dropped on you, because the crown, and the public well being is at risk.

It's always you vs the crown. Every Canadian has the right to face their accuser, but the crown, the cowardly government always hides behind the crown.

The government not by law but by tradition always picks lawyers to be appointed judges arbitrarily by the premier, or prime minister. This results in the self serving, government serving, courts that have no interest in common sense, common law, the magna Carta, the constitution of Canada, the 1960 Bill of Rights, or justice, their only interest is to serve their masters, the government that appointed them, foreign interests that influence them and never forget their lawyer buddies licking their chops waiting to become a judge, and their own personal greed.

Go to your local court house and witness government persecution of.fellow Canadians most of them suffering in silence. Always a overpaid lawyer representing the crown. Often a fellow Canadian trying to represent his or herself, the judge always suggesting get a lawyer, yeah right at 400 per hour, hotdogs never represent the best interests of the person paying them.because they are.busy licking their chops, never rocking the boat, dreaming.about being appointed.a judge by the government.

The Canadian Action Party and the people of Canada know this is wrong and one day.when the people of Canada become the legal government of Canada, this corrupt system around each of us constantly threatening us this out of control government will be ended.    




            CIVIL RIGHTS         




The constitution of Canada 1867, and the Bill of Rights, Charter of Freedoms and Rights and the repatriation of our constitution of 1982 are still in force in Canada but are getting sicker every day.



This is where CAP stands:


Civil Rights

The ensuring of peoples' physical and mental integrity

life and safety; protection from discrimination

on grounds such as

 race, gender, national origin, colour, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, or disability

Individual rights 

Privacy, the freedoms of thought and conscience, speech and expression, religion, the press, assembly and movement.


Political Rights

include natural justice

The right to a fair trial; due process

the right to seek redress or a legal remedy

Rights of participation in civil society and politics

 Freedom of association, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right of self-defense

The right to vote.




CAP will ensure that:


All Canadians will have full protection under the constitution of Canada


Unjust repressive laws will be removed 


Parental rights overhauled

so that no family can be broken up due to unfounded concerns by officials 


Access to basic free healthcare and education


Access to our social safety net


The right to clean water , air and soil 


The right to privacy 


The right to travel unimpeded










La constitution du Canada en 1867 et le Bill of Rights, Charte des libertés et des droits et le rapatriement de la constitution de 1982 sont toujours en vigueur au Canada, mais deviennent plus malades tous les jours.

C'est où se trouve la CAP:

Droits civils

La garantie de l'intégrité physique et mentale des peuples

la vie et la sécurité ; protection contre la discrimination

pour des motifs tels que

race, sexe, origine nationale, couleur, l'orientation sexuelle, origine ethnique, religion ou l'incapacité

Droits individuels

La vie privée, les libertés de pensée et de conscience, discours et expression, religion, la presse, Assemblée et mouvement.

Droits politiques

inclure la justice naturelle

Le droit à un procès équitable ; application régulière

le droit de demander réparation ou un recours juridique

Droits de participation dans la société civile et politique

Liberté d'association, le droit de se réunir, le droit de pétition, le droit de légitime défense

Le droit de vote.

CAP veillera à ce que :

Tous les Canadiens auront la pleine protection offerte par la constitution du Canada

Les lois répressives injustes seront supprimés

Droits parentaux remaniées

afin qu'aucune famille ne peut être rompu en raison des inquiétudes non fondées par des fonctionnaires

Accès aux soins de santé gratuits base et éducation

Accès à notre filet de sécurité sociale

Le droit à l'eau, air et sol

Le droit à la vie privée

Le droit de voyager sans entrave


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