Press Releases and Leaders Comments
Harper has handed Canada to China - Signs FIPA - Sept 12 2014
It is with great regret that I learned on Friday 12th September 2014 that the Prime Minister of Canada has handed Canada to China on a silver – or maybe bitumen – platter with a garnish of abundant natural Canadian resources and control of our parliament.
This has been done, as usual with this dictatorial PM, shrouded in secrecy, surprises and of course without parliamentary approval on a Friday afternoon. No one but a bought and paid for dictator would think that a parliament should have no say in the destruction of any country never mind the one he is supposed to serve.
There is no doubt in my mind that it was done with malicious intent backed by a cabinet and caucus of puppets who have since 2011 showed very clearly that the destruction of Canada, her parliament, her sovereignty, our previous position in world opinion, and our trading habits with all nations have all been placed far above that of the Canadian people. Blind obsequiousness to a leader is no excuse for treason.
Words cannot express my disgust at this latest action in part because it involves my grandchildren and great grandchildren almost certainly having to learn to speak Mandarin or Cantonese simply to be able to talk to their employers, that is if there is any work for Canadians when the newly Chinese companies have their way and import billions of workers from China to work in their companies here in Canada. They will do so and there is nothing that can stop them as our laws will be in accordance to their wishes or we will be “fined” out of existence. Our Bank of Canada will be renamed the Bank of China and will be used for the benefit of the Chinese corporations in Canada.
I know that if I was Chinese and had money, or control of a wealthy Chinese corporation I would have created a wish list of Canadian companies I would take over when the FIPA finally came into effect and in reality all the big state owned corporations in China have had two years to prepare and I fully expect that by Christmas there will not be a profitable Canadian owned company here in Canada. Why do you think the FIPA was ratified in China immediately? How will a Canadian company receive ‘fair treatment’ in China when there are no Canadian companies left?
I am being told to always be positive but this action by Harper is so reprehensible that positive thinking is impossible except in that it will lead to the demise of the Reform/Alliance Coalition spawned in hell by Harper and MacKay. Too late for Canada unfortunately.
To all you Conservative Party of Canada MPs who have allowed this to happen and continue to support this FIPA , good riddance to you all in 2015. Enjoy your after lives as Chinese subjects. To the rest of Canada , please speak up now and stop this madness.
Jeremy Arney
Interim Leader of the Canadian Action Party
A pipe Line only the bitumen lovers, ‘oil’ lobby and Alberta wants. Stephen Harper has made it absolutely clear to all Canadians that he is afraid of the
people of Canada whom he appears to hate so much. Knowing what a contentious issue this is, not only for the people of BC but in fact for
all of Canada, does he have the fortitude to stand up and make his dictate himself? No.He passes that off to a very new Minister of Resources.
The Canadian Action Party, which prides itself on being people powered and responsible to the people, decry this decision in the strongest possible terms.The people of Canada, the people of BC, the people of Kitimat the western end to the pipeline, and especially those who will be most affected the First Nations along the route of this monstrosity, have all said “NO THANK YOU” and yet our man acting as Prime Minister refuses to listen to them. This is not unusual, in fact it is a habit. We do not want war with Russia over the Ukraine, nor with Syria or Iraq, but even more we do not want and indeed cannot afford a war with the province of BC, but this PM is totally blind to our wishes as the people of Canada, and so he and his party must
be replaced by those who are concerned with both and not in the least intimidated by corporate power. That is The Canadian Action Party.
Jeremy Arney- Interim Leader
Harper threatening the USSR - Jun 2014
Mr. Harper,
Not only are you silly enough to as good as challenge Russia to war both economical and physically sending a miniature force to the Ukraine area, you have now openly declared war on British Columbia.
You, your cabinet of misfits, liars and cheats as shown in the House of Commons every day in Oral Questions, and the members of your caucus from BC had a lot to answer to BC for even before you took this action; but now is the time for BC to seriously consider opting out of a country which simple wishes to turn us into a conduit for filthy bitumen from the heart of the Harper administration's playground. We already have enough trouble with an ultra conservative, anti people and pro big business legislature here in BC, and we don't need you and your kind tearing down what we hold of value as well as them.
Be prepared, PM, to loose more than just your caucus members from BC in 2015, but to add to your incredibly bad governance you just might be responsible for the break up of Canada. Whilst I appreciate that this may have been part of your plan back in 2006 when you told us all we would not recognize Canada when you were through with it, did your really mean to break up the country rather than just turn us into a corporate playground for your masters?
In case you didn't realise the vast majority of people in BC want nothing to do with either the pipe line or the giant tankers, and your arrogance in assuming we will just bow down to your dictate is repugnant. Your boast that you listen to the people is hereby shown to be just that; an empty boast or a lie, take your pick.
You have made me very mad and also sad that anyone could hate a country and its people as much as you obviously do. From our First Nations Matis and Inuit peoples, to veterans, to seniors and kids living in poverty, to college grads with a degree who can't find a job, to the missing and murdered aboriginal women, you simply do not give a damn. But for the corporate world you can't bend over fast enough.
Apart from the fact that they will be incredibly rich, thanks largely to the taxpayers of Canada who will give you how many millions of dollars (5 or is it 6 million now) ?) when you get booted out, I feel very sorry for your children and the burden they will have to carry if they choose to stay in what is left of a Canada their father destroyed.
In absolute disgust and complete lack of approval of your latest attack on BC and Canada,
Jeremy Arney
Interim Leader of the Canadian Action Party
Press Release : Bill C-23, The ‘un’Fair Elections Act .....
is moving at great speed through the House of Commons and is due to be read for the third time and sent to the Senate any day now, if it has not been done already. A few minor amendments were made to appease the Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee’s report with amendments from their early “pre study” committee meetings on this Bill. The suggestion that these amendments were result of pressure from outside forces or the opposition is frankly nonsense. It is beyond this administration to accept that anyone outside their caucus is capable of real thought! I have in the past asked Ministers, and CPC members, to give me one example of one amendment proposed by the opposition that was accepted since 2011 and the answer is none. So what to do now? I have applied to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs which is to look ‘real-time’ at this Bill for an audience, and have received an answer but have to receive an invitation to appear as they are working on their schedule. I look forward to this event with relish. Meanwhile we have a lot of work to do to remind all Senators that they were appointed not to further any partisan political agendas but to be a House of Sober Second Thought on behalf of all Canadians of every political stripe. Let us all write letters, send emails or make calls to our Senators’ offices and ask them to do just that and ask them why they think it took just 90 days in the House of Commons for a Bill with this much effect upon the validity of our elections.
Mr Oliver, Minister of Finance for Canada. May 28 2014
Welcome to the most dangerous portfolio there is to hold in Canada. I have some questions for you after this short preamble.
As you must be aware even though there are no credible economists around the Cabinet table, the USA to which we are tied at the hip thanks to Mulroney and his FTA, is in the process of going totally broke. At this time they are printing money backed by nothing except the tenuous use of their currency by all countries as the world’s basic exchange currency. However whilst we are signing investment deals disguised as trade deals with all sorts of odd sods and bods of countries the major players are preparing. China, Russia, India, Brazil, Australia, The UAE and South Africa are all making deals between themselves that will allow them to trade currency to currency without using the US greenback. When these and other countries start to refuse the US dollar in payment for what the US needs, such as oil, import cars they love soo much, clothes, in fact almost all Walmart's items what will they do?
We meanwhile are as I said tied to the US which is after all our biggest trading partner and have no arrangements with these other forward thinking countries. We simply want these small insignificant countries to invest in our resources which soon will be soo undervalued as our own currency falls in value that they will all make a killing and we will be left with mounting national debt with compounding interest, and contracts to fulfill.
So my questions that relate to this.
When the US dollar is no longer the currency of the world, and its debts will be called in, and no one will accept their dollar in payment how will that affect our looney which as you must know is tied to the value of the US dollar?
Will it plummet with the US dollar?
Will we be able to buy simple things such as food?
Will our looney still be acceptable in the South American countries from which we buy large amounts of food?
Will you start helping yourselves, via the banks, to any amount of money we hold in a bank over $100,000 (as passed into law with Action Plan 2013 Omnibus Budget Implementation Bill) or will you lower that amount and grab even more?
What plans do you have in place if at all for when this takes place?
There are suggestions that it could well happen within a few months and I wonder how unprepared you are for this eventuality.
I asked your predecessor how much he had budgeted for claims to be made against us for lost profits even from Canadian companies such as Lone Pine Resources of Calgary, who are incorporated in Delaware and therefore can and are using NAFTA to try and get $250 million in lost profit because they have been prevented from fracking in the St Lawrence River by the Quebec Government who want to do an environmental study. He had no answer for me, have you?
You have some serious problems here Mr. Oliver and what are your plans to deal with them?
Jeremy Arney – Leader CAP
Canada’s Military and NATO We also have another serious problem facing us in Canada’s proposed role as a military aggressor in the NATO’s almost ‘fight’ against Russia. We at CAP do not believe that diplomacy should be replaced by actions of military aggression as happened without warning in Libya; and I am still only faintly surprised that we have not been charged with war crimes for our part in that military conflict against civilians, under the guise of conducting a ‘no fly zone’. With the sending of a few planes and some soldiers to the eastern European zone at the behest of NATO we are being aggressors for the NATO/IMF forces again. This clearly means that if we wish to be peaceful citizens of the world, renowned again for our gentle compassionate ways then we must withdraw from NATO. Canada has no need to show the world what a fighting force we can be, been there and done that time and again, but we do need to show that we are capable of helping in other ways than dealing death to civilians. Now Harper wants to send 500 observers and monitors to help in the election to be held in the Ukraine, whilst here at home he is proposing to deprive hundreds of thousands of Canadians of their right to vote through his own Bill C23? I believe that this is typical of the hypocrisy of the man who is currently running the country that we all know and love the way it was not the way it is heading.
You can Help by joining an EDA Back here at home in Canada at CAP we are moving on with the process of building more Electoral District Associations which means that we need volunteers to serve on these in many positions from Chair to Secretary to Treasurer and to those who like to meet and talk to people. If you are interested please get in touch with the interim National Executive whose addresses can be found on the website canadianactionparty.org It is not only candidates who can organize the EDAs it is anyone and from that you may find someone with the burning desire to be an MP.We will help you along the way with what you need. We have hand out or door knocking pamphlets, “STOP HARPER” buttons are available, and we are open to suggestions. More on the umbrella movement later.
Rediscover Canada and travel some of our beautiful country and renew your desire to protect it against corporate destruction, though pipe lines, mining destruction, gas fracking water contamination, GMO poisoning of the soil, oil spillage both on land and in the sea, and of course the never ending contamination of the blue skies with “chemtrails”. It is our country, so please help defend it for the next generations.
Thank you , Jeremy Arney Interim Leader
Canada at WAR Message from Jeremy Arney - Leader of CAP – Oct 3 2014
Today Oct 3 2014 the PM of Canada declared his intention of going to war in Iraq.
The Canadian Action Party does understand that in the present administration the idea of diplomacy is non existent - anyway there is no one apparently capable of performing such an act – and that the acts required to send material support to those displaced by the conflict are simply not rewarding enough to the backers of this administration and its supporting MPs.
Canada has the capacity, ability and willingness to aid those refugees from ISIL who desperately need that help and if it requires non combat Canadian troops wearing the blue UN hats to do this under a UN mandate so be it.
However to engage in a 6 months bombing war is blind and arrogant stupidity.
What kind of perverted logic assumes that in 6 months we will have solved this situation which was deliberately created decades ago, exacerbated by the USA’s un sanctioned attack on Saddam Hussein and the following destruction of the religious balance in Iraq along with turning that country into rubble and disturbing any concept of religious tranquility in that entire region?
Canadian politicians should have learned their lesson by the war crimes Canada both led and committed in Libya in the name of bringing them peace and democracy, and look at that destroyed country now. NO peace! NO democracy!
The Canadian Action Party does not believe in or support the current administration in their desire for war, either for 6 months or for decades yet to come, particularly when the excuse for such actions is still to be explained in a manner which the Canadian people can really understand and support.
This declaration of war is unconstitutional and typical of this administration and its leader and if they and he feel that they have the backing of the people of Canada to go to war, the Canadian Action Party challenges the PM and his cohorts to take it to the people in the form of an election. The problem will not be gone by the time such an election tales place.
Let the Canadian People speak.
Leaders Liason Page
I am Jeremy Arney Interim Leader of the Canadian Action Party and I would be very happy to answer any concerns or questions you may have about our party, our Country or any other political situation that you would like clarification on . Just click on my picture and leave us a message . Thank You
Jan 22 2015 Re: Bank of Canada
Once again on 21st January 2016 we see the Bank of Canada doing what it now considers is it's #1 priority and that is being a watchdog for inflation in Canada.
Our current administration, instead of using the Bank of Canada for financing Canada's needs, is giving a present of $2 billion to the wealthy with its income spiting scheme and will further reduce benefits to veterans, seniors, those thrown out of work by terrible economic policies causing closure of manufacturing plants, and enforcement of environmental standards and transportation safety.
It really is time to vote for a party - CAP - which will change all this by using our Bank of Canada to reduce our national debt and deficit as well as financing the countries needs at almost zero percent which will be payed back to us anyway.
We can replace the parties who seem to have no idea what to do except please the international bankers and financiers.
Today's announcement from the BOC is a perfect example of how wrong things have gone since the 1970s.
Jeremy Arney
Interim Leader CAP
Jan 25 2015 Re: Bank of Canada
So here we go again, not that it has really stopped since 2006, but since 2011 the Canadian administration BS and bafflegab has gone hip high to an elephant.
Yesterday the Bank of Canada confirmed again that it is now nothing more than an inflation watchdog. The Governor of the Bank of Canada has even proudly claimed that that is the Bank’s #1 priority (November 4th 2014, Standing Committee on Finance in response to a long garbled question by James Rajotte, he said:
“Tying that to the second half of your question is very important. The Bank of Canada has only one goal, and that's to keep inflation on its target within a timeframe of around six to eight quarters. That's our horizon of flexibility.”…..Hansard with my highlights.)
Any economist, or for that matter teenager, knows that if you reduce your income and increase your expenditures you are heading for financial disaster. Regretfully there does not appear to be an economist (or anyone with the acumen of a teenager) in the ranks of the present administration as they have from day one reduced Canada’s income by drastically cutting corporate tax rates, minutely cutting personal tax rates, reducing GST absolutely unnecessarily, increasing personal taxes by a thousand cuts of tariff increases etc., and their lavish expenses have skyrocketed. We need 30 more very expensive MPs in the same way we need holes in our heads.
Well hold on Arney there was a melt down in 2008 wasn’t there?
Yes there was and it was categorically denied by the Harper government. During the 2008 election $115 billion was donated to our Canadian banks through the CMHA even while Harper and Flaherty were trying to say we were immune from the problems coming fast and hard at the rest of the world and our banks were rock solid!
Two months later whilst still saying there wasn’t a problem Harper had to prorogue to avoid being defeated in the House and removed from power. He still could not see a problem!
So yesterday there he was answering questions about the economy and admitting that the price of oil was in fact costly to the Canadian bank account (Which bank are they using for their accounts by the way or are they all getting a piece of the pie)
So the price of oil has gone has gone down substantially. Why? Not because it is now cheaper to extract it from the ground, transport the oil to refineries and turn it into a burnable fuel. No it’s because the made more oil available then there is a need for. A glut. Wonderful.
So will the price come up again? Most likely because the oil companies are too big to fail, and too blind to see the writing on the wall, and administrations such as that in Canada today will probably throw money at them that should be going to vets, seniors, the homeless, to help charities not cripple them, the infrastructure and the provinces. Very likely that this is what will happen with Harper’s government because they are not interested in the health, fortune, wellbeing or standard of living of any Canadian who is not a card carrying CPC member and even they are often lumped in with the rest of us and told to fend for themselves.
Our manufacturing output is down because corporations like, CAT, Navistar (transport truck manufacturer), Kellogg’s, PACCAR( Kenworth and Peterbilt makers), Steelco, Alcoa, etc., have left the Canadian scene along with their lost jobs pensions and taxes. I also understand that Bombardier are seriously contemplating moving lock stock and barrel to Mexico soon. Now that one will really hurt.
So, is all lost? Depends on how well the new ”UN”fair elections act works for the CPC, and with the extra tools they have given themselves to steal their 4th election in a row later this year.
If everyone in the country becomes registered to vote and obtains the necessary ID, then acts upon that right to vote no matter how much there is disruption at the voting places caused by the CPC scrutinizers who will try and create massive lineups and delays and make non CPC voters give up in disgust. This will be done with the aid of something called bingo cards which will tell them when their own supporters have voted and allow them to start causing a ruckus to prevent anyone else from voting.
If we believe that we all have the right to vote in spite of Harper’s government efforts to take that away from us, and exercise that right we can and will get rid of the worst Prime Minister, and his government, that Canada has ever had, and start the job of rebuilding what was once a nation to be believed in.
Of course I would want everyone to vote for the Canadian Action Party where we have
Candidates as we are probably the only party which specifically wants to represent our constituents to the HOC not the HOC to our constituents. Where votes will be free and caucus meetings an exchange of ideas not relaying dictums from above. Where the Bank of Canada will again be used to finance Canada’s needs at little or no cost and manufacturing jobs will return home instead of leaving for Mexico or somewhere else where labour is cheap and the products reflect that.
A country where once again Canadians can be proud to be part of it, and proud to help build a country to help the world . Not cause wars, civilian deaths and destruction as in the case of Libya for instance. A nation whose standard of living was so far ahead of ours under Khadafy until we destroyed everything from the safety of the air in the name of maintaining a no fly zone, and turned them back into the stone age, where no government now exists and contestantly mercenary bands are fighting for control; where raping and civilian killings continue a pace. Some democracy we created there!
Join the movement to recover Canada in 2015.
Vote for CAP or anyone who will represent you to Ottawa, not Ottawa to you.
Jeremy Arney