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Members Comment Page 


     by George  H Armstrong


"It is bad science and an absolute waste of resources," said Canadian Action Party Leader Jeremy Arney in regard to the signing of the Northern Gateway pipeline proposal, "and I would urge a complete re-thinking of the entire idea.

"The history of Canada since European immigration began, 400 years ago," said Mr. Arney, "is the history of one 'inexhaustible' resource after another being exploited, exported in raw form, and finally exhausted. We have seen it with the fur trade, the fish trade, the iron-ore trade, the square-timber trade and now we are seeing it in the bitumen trade. Canada produces the raw materials and the jobs are exported along with the materials. This must stop.

"Bitumen is a far more valuable resource than most people understand," Mr. Arney went on, "If you have the materials and the technology – and Canada has these in abundance – indeed, much of the technology was developed here – then that ugly black bitumen starts looking like gold. It is a raw material which may be processed into almost ANY hydrocarbon-based product. This includes nearly all plastics, nearly all artificial fibres, many fuels, paints, surfacing: an entire telephone-book of products, each and every one of them generating employment and valuable finished products.

"To my way of thinking, it is inexcusable, short-sighted and an absolute waste of resources to be exporting Bitumen in a raw form. Instead, this resource should form the base of a reindustrialised Canadian economy for the next 300 years.

"We have enough of the RESOURCE to do this," Mr. Arney concluded, "and we have the MANPOWER and the TECHNOLOGY.... but do we have the VISION and the WILL?

"The people who are backing this and who pushed this through, most definitely do not."



A fictional essay on the question . "What  if CAP Reinstated the Bank of Canada ?


In the News Today – May 15 2020    5 years later 

  The Canadian Action Party was elected , the new majority government in the 2015 federal election . CAP has reported much progress as they have instituted many new policies to make Canada a better place for all Canadians The Bank of Canada was re-instated immediately for the original purpose it was intended and the results have been phenomenal . The elimination of the annual 50 billion interest payment to private banks and investors has been a major boom to our economy . That money is now going back into the economy and has caused a chain reaction that has created many green industries in Canada . Income taxes have been cut greatly . The National debt has been almost totally eliminated and we should be in the black soon . Interest free loans are available to all municipalities which have reduced their debt load . This has reduced property taxes allowing seniors to stay in their homes longer . New Hospitals have been built across the country to serve the needs of rural communities and take the load of the urban centres . Medical school graduation has increased and the flood of new doctors is allowing for better care of patients . Patients receive better care because doctors now have more time to spend with their patients New banking regulations require that banks must be fiscally responsible and can no longer loan out more money than the new tighter fractional reserve rules allow . Company Pension funds must be registered and new rules now protect them from being pillaged or eliminated by company bankruptcies Insurance premiums have decreased dramatically because insurance companies must now prove their losses and their premiums can only be based on our own National claims . Not a worldwide catastrophe fund covering disasters all around the globe . NAFTA and other faulty free trade agreements have all been cancelled and now companies are staying in Canada . Import duties have been imposed on items that compete unfairly with Canadian made products due to slave labour or pollution laws being violated . Good paying jobs are in now in abundance as offshoot industry is growing rapidly . With the trickle down effect back, money is re-circulating in the booming Canadian economy . Corporations and Monopolies are now highly regulated . Mergers and Acquisitions of the stock markets are heavily regulated to make sure we have adequate fair competition .Tax loopholes for the rich have been eliminated . They must pay their fair share of taxes . The 50% tax free gift on stock market investments has been eliminated The CBC is once again fully Canadian owned and free of advertisement funding and political interference which has biased them in the past . They are now fully funded by the taxpayer and are free to do their own investigative reporting . Owners of the private news medias are no longer allowed to own more than one television network, one newspaper, and one radio station. A strict code of ethics is enforced. Purveyors of propaganda , misinformation , manipulation and scamming of the public has come under stringent laws which will be fully enforced and prosecute those that violate them . Tuition fees for Education have been cut in half and have further incentives if the graduates stay here in Canada for a minimum of 5 years after graduation. Lower income families can now afford better education to lift themselves out of the poverty trap . Graduates are not saddled with huge loans giving them a better start towards their future The environment has been steadily improving due to total recycling centres . Landfills are no longer needed and have been converted to ski hills . Methane gas from them is now used to create electricity or heat homes nearby . Solar panels are now cheap enough that almost every home has them eliminating the need for a hugely expensive power grid The Oil sands are now environmentally friendly with the new process giving the land a better chance to recoup . A National energy program has been created and now we produce our own gasoline . Canadians now pay 30% less for their gasoline than Americans . This along with minimal national park fees has created a tourism boom which has made Canada much more economical for tourists to spend their holidays here. People are amazed by the majestic scenery in Canada Canadians are very happy now that a new citizens recall law has been instituted , allowing them a greater true democracy . The people may now recall their government if they get too far out of line . Canada is once again the best country in the world to live in and will continue to help the rest of the world to achieve our success as we are a just society that believes in freedom for all . More news to follow Jeff Sakula – Canadian Action Party






"No free man shall be taken indeed imprisoned, or exiled or outlawed, or dispossessed or destroyed in any way, nor shall we pass over him nor send over him unless by the lawful judgment of his equals which is the law of the land"

(Magna Carta 1215 and for ever).


Magna Carta and  laws which ensued have protected us from authorities entering our homes or businesses without warrant to remove belongings,  inventory and  human beings from the premises. Your elected officials  must abide by the LAW OF THE LAND. Your tax dollars are used to reward these individuals for doing their jobs

Protecting our Children : Citizens taxpayers in Alberta must be asking themselves about their tax dollars used to ‘apprehend’ children only to have them die in government care. Ask also, the manner of apprehension. Were there warrants presented to remove the children OR Was there a breach of the LAW OF THE LAND?



We as Canadians must be on guard to protect the Law of the Land at all times.







I believe, that one day in this great Nation of ours, we will all be able to work as one. Collaborate together, and share information, and work together for the betterment of human existence.

I believe that the true purpose of humans being on this earth is to celebrate our differences, learn from each other, and prosper in the happy celebration of life.

Together we would have no need, there are excess in society today that would more than compensate for the despair prevalent in neighborhoods across our country.

Crime exists due to inconsistencies in the system in which we now find ourselves immersed in. Without the need to take from others to sustain ones needs, only the true evil would continue to commit.

I believe in a future for Canada where all citizens of Canada will work together no mater of what ethnicity you come from.

I believe in a Canada where Health Care truly is universal and easily accessible.

I believe in a Canada where we refine our own natural resources and reap the benefits.

I believe in a future where all Canadians can work for a good strong wage, in professions which everyone can be proud of.

If it is cheaper to build new Sea King helicopters than repair the old ones, then I say pull out the blueprints, employ our citizens and update and build them.

I say we need new fighter jets, have our military design, test and manufacture them. Revisit the Avro Arrow see, if it's viable to resurrect the program to today's needs. If not design anew, we did it once, we can do it again.

Why should we rely on foreign Countries to provide our military with equipment paid for with our tax dollars? Why buy subs from the UK helicopters from Russia and planes from the US. Put Canadians to work!

Why should Canadians be responsible to bail out the banks to the tune of 114 billion dollars? The equivalent of 3257.14 paid to the banks by every man woman and child of this Great Nation. At the same time CEO's of the same banks taking home a salary of up to and over 10 million dollars plus bonuses.

I believe in a Country in where trusted elected officials are jailed and forced to pay back retribution for crimes committed in and out of office.

I believe in a Country where corporations are held accountable for their crimes against humanity and nature.

I believe in a Canada where health, happiness and wellness are the measure of our wealth, the true and only measure.

I believe in a Canada where politicians are able to vote of their own free conscience, where politicians vote on behalf of the people they represent, without fear of job loss or retribution.

I believe in representation when subjected to taxation.

I believe in a Canada where Peace Officers and the public become indivisible, holding no prejudices or judgments of one another.

I believe in a Canada that embraces technology, innovation, and the desire to learn how to harness earth’s power for our energy needs.

I believe in a Canada where we encourage resourcefulness, ingenuity, and creativity. Where we are nourish our young, to become the best future possible.

I believe in a Canada where the government leads with positivity and hope, instead of fear and despair.

I believe in a strong military to protect our Nation from threats both foreign and domestic. A military that settles disputes worldwide without the need to kill other countrymen.

I believe in a Canada that puts family virtues at the forefront of policy. Allowing mothers to spend the first two years of their child's life with them supported by the country.

I believe that we are all equal, weather we were created, or evolved from the same cell.

I believe in this Country!

Do you?
Logan Anderson 


The most important political question in Canada today is: How can the monetary system of Canada be repaired and allowed to operate as set out by the constitution? Your member of parliaments refusal to deal with this issue has resulted in a Federal and Provincial accumulation of over 1.2 trillion dollars of debt that you are responsible to repay! Don't wait until your member of parliaments negligence and no respect for the Constitution drives Canada to ruin! People of Canada it's up to you to do something because your Member's of parliament refuses to do anything! Get informed contact us now! phone 250-123-2345 http//


Mark Vilcu

If you have any articles or issues that feel need public attention please send them to us . As long as they fit with CAP 's  Pillars they will be published here .

The Perils of a Cashless Society  


This is a warning from the Canadian Action Party to the people of Canada.


The Government is quickly moving toward making Canada into a cashless nation. This is a sign that the government has achieved a level of corruption where it's now at a high level of paranoia afraid of the people of Canada to a point where they are willing to invade each individual Canadians personal freedoms by being able to control that persons ability to purchase anything with the flip of a switch.

For the government to have such a great power to take away all physical money leaving only electronic money, where the government at any moment can disrupt, restrict, turn off a individuals bank account, effectively taking away all of that persons money at any given moment.

The Government already openly violates the Constitution of Canada, there is no reason to believe that government will not make up a reason to take over your money for whatever reason.

People of Canada don't allow the government to have this unheard of before level of extreme Direct power over you. For the government to be going this direction it's very dangerous for every individual Canadian.

~Mark Nicholas M Vilcu

Member Submissions

CAP Release on CPI, 8-July-14


Canadian Action Party representative Hamilton Brubaker has come out swinging, his target the Canadian Consumer Price Index which is used to calculate the annual rate of inflation, as well as augmentations to several government programs. These include the Old Age Security pension, the Canada Pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement upon which a great number of Canadians are forced to rely.


   "Add up the Old Age Pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement these days and it comes to just about $1100 a month. It goes up according to the Consumer Price Index, which tells us that the rate of inflation in Canada right now is under 3%.


  So," said Mr. Brubaker, "the pensioners, who are the people who built this country and many of whom no longer are capable of working, got a 2% raise just recently. It's all very fine and well and, according to the Government's own Consumer Price Index, they should be getting along just perfectly. Mind you, a whole 2 percent is not really a lot... and here's why.


  "The trouble," continued Mr. Brubaker, "is that the CPI is about as honest as a crap-game in which you are playing against loaded dice. You LOSE, every single time. This is simply NOT acceptable in a country which gives away billions every year to other countries, many of them countries with long-range missiles, huge armies, well-equipped air forces and nuclear arsenals. We look after THEIR people for them so they can continue their sabre-rattling.... and allow our OWN people to live in serious hardship in order to pay for it. This has to STOP!"


   The Government of Canada calculates the Consumer Price Index on what is termed a "mixed basket of goods and services". Values of the goods "in" the basket rise and fall according to everyday market forces. If computers drop in price as they have been doing for the past 15 years, then the CPI goes down. If new cars drop in value, then the CPI again goes down.


   "The big problem is," said Mr. Brubaker, "that people have to eat and they have to have somewhere to live. In most of our cities today, that $1100 a month does not go very far. For one thing, you can't rent anything much bigger than a broom closet for HALF of that, so that knocks the pensioner back to $550 a month.... for everything. You now have a pensioner living in a single room, with $550 a month to pay the shot for everything else he (or she) might need.


  "One terrible flaw with the CPI is that it ignores TWO extremely important categories: energy and food. It does this, according to its own propaganda, because these categories are "unusually volatile". So let's look at some of these things.


  "Everybody knows," he continued, "that the costs of energy are 'way up. In fact, overall energy costs are up close to 50% over the last 3 years. Your heating bill is up, your light bill is up and if our pensioner can afford to drive that 20-year old small car at all (the one on which the write-off value is the same as the basic price of a year's insurance), he is driving it a LOT less. If you live in a big city, driving a car may not sound like much, but a third of the people in this country do not live in cities, and half of the people in this country are miles and miles from any form of public transport.... which itself has been getting more expensive. The pensioners and working poor are expected to combat this with their 7% raise over the same period. Just here, they are 43% behind.


  "Food, though," said Mr. Brubaker, "food is the real killer. According to the Government's own figures, the costs of BASIC groceries have gone up 79% over the past three years. I walked through a big food-store the other day, one belonging to one of the biggest chains in the country. Pasta, simple spaghetti, not the premium brand, the cheap stuff, has DOUBLED over the past three years. Pork ribs (used to be one of the cheapest things you could get) DOUBLED in the last year! Suppose the grandchildren come to visit and you want something special, so you get some cherries: SEVEN BUCKS A POUND! In the SUMMER?

"Cheese has held fairly well, but a lot of that is due to the huge subsidies to the cheese industry in Central Canada. THREE-QUARTERS of a pound of bacon, five bucks: almost tripled from a year ago. Ground pork, a year ago the cheapest meat you could buy, up 50% in the last 4 months. Hamburger, up 50% or better in the past 3 months. A simple SOUP BONE is five bucks, an onion for it a dollar and a little 1-pound bag of barley another 3 bucks: you can`t even afford to make SOUP!


   "Let's get one thing straight," said Mr. Brubaker, "it doesn't matter if the price of filet is $17 or $19 a pound: pensioners can't buy it, anyway. Pensioners care about a pound of ground beef, which is something they could afford..... unless it just went up 50%.


     "The pensioners are having it the roughest," Brubaker concluded, "but the working poor (and we have a couple of million of them, too) are in much the same boat. They WERE eating at the bottom of the grocery scale, but they are now finding even that difficult to manage. Meanwhile, the Government shovels out $60 billion a year to the big banks just in INTEREST, when they could be getting that money from the Bank of Canada at a TENTH of the interest.


   "So while we are filling up the coffers of the chartered banks and big investors – and feeding the people who the rest of the world can't be bothered feeding because they want more weapons – our own pensioners and working poor are having a hard time finding a place to live and making SOUP for dinner. I don't know what you might call this, but I call it outrageous, outmoded and cruel!"


  Hamilton Brubaker is a spokesman for the Canadian Action Party, the only political party in Canada which stands for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the reinstatement of the Bank of Canada as the source of Government funding.


People, Do you disagree with what the governing powers are doing to your country and its people?

If you are then I would like to ask you a few questions. If I could?

(1)  Do you think that voting for any of the main political parties will have any influence with said political parties?

(2) Do you think that you may perhaps spoil your vote in protest, or are you thinking that there is no point in voting, or do you think you should vote for the least worst because there is no hope of getting what you actually want?

(3)  Are you fed up?

(4)  None of the above?

(5) Could you tell us just what it is you do think you may do on this next voting day?

This group of people (the Canadian Action party) intends to return the representation back to you- This group (though calling itself a party for convenience) intends to end party rule and bring

back representation of the people by the representatives you vote into power. And make sure you can recall the person you send to Ottawa if she/he does not do as you wish.

The action party intends to hold the governors and the civil service to account for their actions- All of them will be held to a higher standard and CAP will hold them to account as the constitution dictates, not the way it is done now- ignoring the malfeasance of those in power and those who carry out their instructions. No more ignoring the actions of police who misuse their position, no more overlooking the crimes of any government employee.

I want to make a suggestion to you. No matter what your political beliefs- just so long as you think they cannot be done by the people of the major parties you should vote for the "Canadian Action Party" for at the very least they intend to return to you your voice in political matters. They intend to remove the new legislation that makes the elected representative vote on party lines - they will now have to vote the way the majority wishes- the majority of the people in their individual districts- not their party elite!

Lets remove these parasites and bought people from power and lets put in place people who will actually do as you say.


Janice Mainland.

Comment on Childrens Aid and the courts 


There is a huge amount of concern right across Canada regarding some of the more frightful powers being exercised by Governments across the country. These are occasions of the destruction by force of Family units, by paid Civil Servants who supposedly are working for the best interests of the children involved. The way it operates is simple: the Government takes your children away and THEN you get to fight to get them back. The process is lengthy, very often traumatic to the children, nearly ALWAYS traumatic to the Parents involved, who then are expected to jump through Government-mandated hoop after hoop, hire lawyer after lawyer, attend hearing after hearing, always with their children dangled in front of them like some kind of bait in a trap.

In the end, even if the Family can be reunited (which is nowhere as often as could be desired) the men get to do the paying and the women do most of the crying. What the CHILDREN do, nobody (except their Parents) seems to care. It is a burden which falls unequally, very light on the well-to-do, professional upper classes, politicians and senior civil servants, very heavily upon the low-income, the working poor, single parents, the people on Welfare and upon members of some small conservative, traditional religious denominations.
The entire monstrous practice has been described by a social worker from a Non-GovernmentaL Organisation, in words of utmost disgust.

The Canadian Action Party stands firmly behind the Constitution of Canada as it was given to us 147 years ago and it also stands behind the wonderful Canadian Bill of Rights of 1960, where it will be found that all Canadians are to be EQUAL under the law and have rights to EQUAL justice from the Courts. We are also firmly behind the RIGHTS which we hold from the Common Law beginnings of our civilisation, the rights gifted to us in Magna Charta, the right of Habeas Corpus so carefully delineated in King Richard III's proclamation of the Right of Bail, the rights enumerated in the Petition of Right, in the English Bill of Rights of 1689.... and even the rather nebulous rights contained in the UN's Declaration of the Rights of Man, to which Canada is a signatory. It is just that VERY FEW of these rights seem to be upheld in the kangaroo-court atmosphere surrounding the various "Family Services" bureaucracies.

The way these bureaucracies function is appalling. A PART of the problem is the fact that the various social work departments are encouraged to do this: if they cannot handle the work-load, obviously they need more social workers, so they hire more social workers who then break up more families to prove how hard they are working, so they need more social workers.... it is a self-fulfilling prediction. The Government encourage it, especially in the more Statist jurisdictions, because all the social workers happily vote for the government in power. MUCH of this is perfectly LEGAL under the Constitution BUT the ancient COMMON LAW gives us the right to expect JUSTICE from the Courts. The TRAP is a combination of the Peter Principle ("Everyone rises to his own level of incompetence.") and Parkinson's Law ("Work expands to fill the time allotted to its completion.") complicated by the fact that we have courts of LAW, rather than courts of JUSTICE.

So what is the stand of the Canadian Action Party regarding these atrocities? The answer, we are afraid, must be "not very much" because these are acts of PROVINCIAL civil servants and we are a FEDERAL political party: we CAN'T have a position on this matter, no matter how much we want one. The Provinces get their authority to pull off the awful injustices they do under Section 92 of the BNA Act, subs 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Act. That is why these cases always are heard in Provincial courts and the penalties imposed are Provincial in nature. Problem here, of course, is that the various Provincial departments all work together and our federal police force which does not exist is more than happy to help them out.

The Canadian Action Party has a very good idea what to do at a Federal Level, but it is a Federal political party. To this end, there is a move toward starting branches of the CAP at PROVINCIAL level in order to deal with some of the effects of runaway Government in the Provinces. There is a proposal regarding exactly this, already waiting for the Convention.

If YOU yourself have a problem in this regard right now, our own best advice is to contact your local Salvation Army citadel. Their own Family Services division battles against these Provincial monstrosities every day and they have some EXCELLENT insights. What many of these organisations do is frightful, truly. They justify it by seizing the children FIRST and then making you sue them in THEIR courts to get them back. This is classical REVERSE ONUS, which is AGAINST all the precepts of the Common Law AND of the Criminal Law.

YOU are a Citizen of Canada. YOU are entitled to be heard in a court of JUSTICE, before a jury of your Peers. In this country today, though, expecting this is almost like howling at the Moon and expecting a nice bit of green cheese for your effort.

YOU, and only YOU, can consign this entire evil practice to the pits of perdition where about 80% of its practitioners belong.

How can you do this?

GET INVOLVED with the Canadian Action Party at a Federal level..... and get in touch with the people in your own Province who are involved in starting a PROVINCIAL arm of the Canadian Action Party in YOUR Province. The Federal party will be more than happy to help your Provincial organisation with the task of RESTORING YOUR RIGHTS through the reining-in of out-of-control Provincial bureaucracies which are EXCEEDING THEIR CONSITUTIONAL MANDATES.


George H Armstrong 


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