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 Five essential interconnecting pillars form our Platform:


  Monetary Reform  


CAP will  Re instate the full power of our Bank of Canada to control , creation of money , credit and monetary policy in the best interest of all Canadians. 




 CAP will assert Canadian rights and laws to overide all others when it comes to maintaining  full control of our land Sea and Air , our Institutions and our destiny.


  Civil and Human Rights  


The restoration and fulfillment of our rights as originally intended under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Constitution.


  Parliamentary Reform   


The changes needed for both Parlimentary & Senate Reform in order to bring our country to a state of complete interactive democracy, for the people, by the people.




Environmental standards will be enforced and improved to maintain clean Water, Air and Land that are the basis of a health for all living creatures . The Canadian Action Party supports the movement to a green economy and is against any activity that degrades our environment for the pursuit of profit.



Without these solid points addressed, Canada is a shell of a country; a colony under corporate and financial rule!

 Present Constitution.



All policies of the Canadian Action Party are driven by the desire of members who are concerned with the current state of affairs in government today. Members are invited to sit on all committees and take an active part in bringing true democracy to the people of Canada.


The Canadian Action Party enshrines within all policies the principle that human beings are entrusted as custodians of the planet and that every species on the planet is worthy of our respect and protection. We shall practice a 'do no harm' ideology and reach for the 'common good' in every policy we develop. We shall seek all information available and implement policy to improve the quality of life of our citizens without jeopardizing the environment.


Our primary focus is to secure and maintain Canada as a sovereign, free, democratic and peaceful nation. Canadian Action Party policies are intended to be common sense, solution oriented and fundamental to the very nature of a sovereign, free and democratic nation. A nation must have control over its monetary system in order to implement any social programs. Representative, accountable, accessible elected officials are essential to democracy. All international agreements shall reflect the best interest of Canadians and our environment.

The Canadian Action Party is committed to terminating the erosion of Canada as an independent nation capable of governing itself.

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