A registered political party with Elections Canada
Have You Ever Wanted to be an M.P.?
As of today, we have not yet filled all of Canada's ridings with a candidate from our party! This election, that is one of our goals and we are trying very hard to do just that!
If you are you familiar with CAP's Five Pillars and you have a desire to be a part of the change that is so badly needed in Canada today, we would like YOU to consider becoming a candidate for our party in your local riding!
Do you want to be part of Canada's only truly progressive political party campaigning today or perhaps you were once a "big three" candidate and lost your position through dirty EDA practices and are now disillusioned with your old party or perhaps politics in general? Please join us and get involved in Canada's best party committed to restoring democracy.
We need true political progressives to run this country again! This is your chance to be the change you long to see in the only party offering opposition to the status quo in corporate agenda driven politics today!
The 2015 Canadian Federal Election is October 19
The mainstream parties presented to you on television represent the corporate view and put Canadians second . They have given their powers to the private monetary system and therefore have no real solutions. They can only offer you smoke and mirror goodies to get you to vote for them
Canadians only get one chance every 4 years to vote and no further say in government. In our opinion that is not a Democracy and we intend to change that if elected.
Ask yourself this. There are actually 19 registered parties yet only 3 are shown on the corporate owned televised networks. That is not a fair system . That is because they dont want the public to know they are being exploited.
They want to keep you in a debt slavery of $ 1.5 trillion with interest payments of $60 billion coming out of your tax dollars that go directly to the banker controlled private monetary system . That debt would never have occured if Government used our Bank of Canada as set out in our constitution. Social Programs ,Health care ,Seniors Pensions, Safety standards, and much more are all suffering due to funding cuts due to this loss of our tax dollars. We intend to reinstate the constitutional powers of the Bank of Canada on your behalf to fix what is broken
JOBS . Free Trade deals have gutted our manufacturing base. Corporations have been allowed to leave Canada for cheap labour elsewhere . The job losses have been staggering and young Canadians are scrambling to compete for low pay, part time jobs with no benefits. We will end free trade and renegotiate fair trade agreements
You can help bring about true democracy by allowing our Candidates to place a sign on your front lawn to show Canadians there are other choices.
The two graphics below show you the extent of this debt
How did a wealthy country like Canada find itself in a 1.5 trillion debt? Obviously this can only happen through mismanagement by our governments or dare we say what we are really thinking? "It has been done deliberately!" The private bankers admitted to being the cause the great depression of 1929. Realizing that at the time our Gov't created the Bank of Canada and it ran the country with little debt or inflation for 30 years . In 1974 they let the private Bankers once again take control and now they are doing it again. The next depression could be coming very soon, according to some experts. We need to reverse the debt to prevent a devastating melt down of our economy. That requires we reinstate the Bank of Canada to regain the control of our monetary system. The time is short ! We must reinstate the Bank of Canada now. The choice is yours. We can not do it without you. Join us
Fact : Canadians work approximately one day per week just to pay the interest on
the debts owed to the private monetary system.